mardi 26 juillet 2016

START Award Ceremony 2016

Source: MOE Press Release 26 July 2016

The Singapore Teaching and Academic Research Talent Scheme (START) supports young Singaporeans interested in pursuing an academic career at our Autonomous Universities (AUs), and aims to help our AUs build up their pool of academic talent in both research and teaching. START provides a suite of scholarships and support options for undergraduates, postgraduates, and PhD holders interested in academia.

At the undergraduate level, the MOE-AU Scholarship sponsors students’ undergraduate studies at local or overseas institutions, and recipients receive tailored academic mentorship and developmental opportunities from their paired AU. At the postgraduate level, selected postgraduate faculty development schemes support outstanding students as they pursue PhD and postdoctoral programmes at top overseas institutions, before returning to serve at our local AUs. For PhD holders, Early Career Awards allow aspiring academics to gain valuable teaching and research experience at the AUs, with the objective of helping them to establish a competitive portfolio for their future application and appointment as faculty members at our AUs.

In all, 20 students received scholarships from Acting Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) Mr Ong Ye Kung at the START Award Ceremony today. The list of scholarship recipients can be found here.

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