jeudi 7 juillet 2016

MOE-AU Scholarship

Lim Jeck has just been offered the Ministry of Education - Autonomous University (MOE-AU) scholarship (you may read the MOE-AU Scholarship FAQ here) to pursue his undergraduate studies in Mathematics at Cambridge. His paired AU is National University of Singapore.

Information about the MOE-AU Scholarship

The Ministry of Education-Autonomous University (MOE-AU) Scholarship is part of the Singapore Teaching and Academic and Research Talent Scheme (START), to better support young Singaporeans who have an interest in an academic career. 

MOE-AU Scholarship recipients will be supported in their undergraduate studies with developmental opportunities, academic mentorship and internships to introduce them to and prepare them for a career in academia. 

The scholarship covers full sponsorship for undergraduate courses for any course of study, subject to the scholarship board’s approval. The degrees can be read at any reputable local or overseas university. Full-term and mid-term options for the scholarship are available. Each scholarship recipient will be paired with the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University or Singapore Management University. Subsequently, the scholar will apply for and obtain a PhD scholarship from their paired AU. 

The bond for the undergraduate and postgraduate portions will run concurrently for a total maximum bond period of six years to be served in an academic position at the paired AU, after the completion of the scholars’ postgraduate study.


For those who are interested, the timeline for Lim Jeck's scholarship application for 2016 cycle from open of application to award of scholarship is as follows:

1 September 2015: MOE-AU Scholarship application opens
end February 2016: Lim Jeck submits his application online, via PSC Gateway.
5 March: MOE-AU Schoarship tea session @ MOE Auditorium
15 March: MOE-AU Scholarship application closes
8 April: MOE emails that they are considering the application, and Lim Jeck is requested to fill out Additional Information Form, and to provide Academic reference and Character reference. He indicates his preferred AU as: 1st choice NUS, 2nd choice NTU.
25 April: Interview with NTU professors at NTU
27 April: Interview with NUS professors at NUS
14 May: Written psychometric test at MOE HQ
24 May: Interview with MOE officers at MOE HQ
26 May: Interview with MOE appointed psychologist at Changi office
3 June: Interview with MOE, NUS and NTU senior management at MOE HQ
7 July: MOE emails on award of MOE-AU Scholarship (MOE-AU Scholarship Award Ceremony will be held on 26 July)

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