mardi 31 mai 2016

SMO 2016 (Open Section) Answers

SMO 2016 Open Round 2 List

Cut off for Rd 2 ~13

SMO 2016 Open Questions

SMO 2016 (Open Section) Answers

1. 48
2. 6
3. 1007
4. 2145
5. 11
6. 1017
7. 9
8. 2018
9. 4032
10. 10
11. 4
12. 2
13. 946
14. 2017
15. 147
16. 4030
17. 71
18. 625
19. 48
20. 5
21. 48
22. 625
23. 100
24. 12
25. 25

For previous years' cut off points to special round, please refer to an old blog post here.

lundi 30 mai 2016

SMO 2016 (Senior Section) Answers

SMO 2016 Senior Round 2 List

Cut off for Rd 2 ~18-19

SMO 2016 Senior Questions

SMO 2016 (Senior Section) Answers

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. E
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. 41
12. 2
13. 135
14. 25
15. 17
16. 4
17. 14
18. 4
19. 34
20. 65
21. 144
22. 116
23. 10
24. 6
25. 2
26. 23
27. 56
28. 288
29. 111
30. 7355
31. 23520
32. 742
33. 360
34. 100
35. 2592

For previous years' cut off points to special round, please refer to an old blog post here.

SMO 2016 (Junior Section) Answers

SMO 2016 Junior Round 2 List

Cut off for Rd 2 ~20-21

SMO 2016 Junior Questions

SMO 2016 (Junior Section) Answers

1. A
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. 143
12. 36
13. 4032
14. 25
15. 31486
16. 51
17. 326
18. 4 (*amended)
19. 9
20. 216
21. 55
22. 2550 (or 2460, if excluding 090)
23. 25
24. 8
25. 134
26. 125
27. 8
28. 82
29. 25
30. 120
31. 3
32. 5
33. 30
34. 21
35. 2195 (*amended)

For previous years' cut off points to special round, please refer to an old blog post here.

NUS 2015/2016 Semester 2 Exam Results

lundi 23 mai 2016

SIMC 2016 and ISSF 2016

Results of SIMC 2016

The Singapore International Mathematics Competition (SIMC) is a biennial international mathematics event that provides opportunities to fuel students’ interest in mathematics and spur them to reach for greater heights. The event aims to bring together bright students from around the world to pit their skills in a rigorous competition where they will demonstrate their creativity and mathematical skills in a mathematical modelling challenge. Students will have the opportunities to interact in social and cultural activities. SIMC also aims to provide a platform for professional exchange of good practices in Math education across different countries through the Educator Programme. It provides opportunities for mathematics educators to engage in professional discourse and establish and develop ties with counterparts from around the world.

The International Student Science Fair (ISSF) is an international student fair hosted on a rotating basis by a network of science high schools worldwide. It was officially launched in 2005 to facilitate international interaction and collaboration in science education. The ISSF brings together students, teachers and school leaders to share and develop their ideas about science in a modern world. The ISSF is the major event of its type in the world with a focus on the combined sharing and development of teaching and learning in science education. Each year’s event creates a learning hub for participants that provide a range of forums promoting the development in teaching and learning of science research and science education.

NUS High is hosting both 5th SIMC and 12th ISSF from 23 to 27 May 2016.

This year, SIMC received an overwhelming participation by 62 schools from 30 countries and regions. List of participating schools for SIMC is here. The 4 students representing NUS High are: Shashvat & Daniel Low from Year 6, and Clarence Chew & Lim Li from Year 5.

List of participating schools for ISSF is here.

Read daily newsletters (Epigraph issues) for SIMC and ISSF here.

Goodie bag for SIMC 2016

jeudi 19 mai 2016

Year 5 Semester 1 Progress Report

Lim Li's Year 5 Semester 1 results are as follows:

CL5101 Chinese 5A B
CM5107 Organic Chemistry A+
CS5101 Database Design A
CS6401V Computer Organisation - In Progress -
EL5101 Language in Society II - In Progress -
MA5109 Advanced Calculus A+
MA5404 Honours Calculus A+
PC5107 Advanced Physics III A+
PC5401 Calculus-based Mechanics I A+

Semestral Grade Point Average (GPA): 4.8
Cumulative Average Point (CAP): 4.8

Mentor's Remarks
Conduct: Very Good
Lim Li is an independent and intelligent student. She has the drive and motivation in her that empowers her to strive for a greater height in the various commitments she has on her hands this semester. As a member of the Infocomm Club, Lim Li has shown great commitment and has participated actively in the Co-Curricular Activity.

lundi 16 mai 2016

IPhO 2016 Singapore Team

The 47th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) 2016 will be held in Switzerland, Zurich, from 11 to 17 July.

The IPhO 2016 Singapore Team comprises the following students:
Feng Jiahai, RI
Koh Jin Ming, NUS High
Lee Yu Tse, RI
Lee Yuan, RI
Ng Jian Rong, NUS High

All the best!

samedi 7 mai 2016

IOI 2016 Singapore Team

The 28th International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) will be held in Kazan Russia, from 12 to 19 August 2016.

The IOI 2016 Singapore Team comprises the following students:
Zhang Guang Xuan, RI, Year 5
Clarence Chew, NUS High, Year 5
Pang Wen Yuen, RI, Year 5
Jacob Teo Por Loong, NUS High, Year 4

lundi 2 mai 2016

Loom Bands Creation

CN Yang Scholars Programme 2015/2016 Sem 2 Exam Welfare Package (EWP)
Loom Bands box in the EWP
Creations by Lim Min and Lim Li
From left to right, top to bottom: Oddish, Moogle, Lotad, Kirby, Umbreon, Mudkip, Torchic, Piplup, Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Raichu