lundi 23 juin 2014

CN Yang meets CN Yang

Professor Chen-Ning Yang (杨振宁) had a sharing session with NTU's CN Yang Scholars on 23 June 2014 evening. Professor Yang is currently 91 years old; he received the 1957 Nobel prize award in Physics.  
Weng Fan (翁帆), who was married to Prof Yang in 2004.

mercredi 18 juin 2014

Japan Kyushu Trip

About S$250 worth of Japanese snacks which Lim Min had bought. Most are given away as gifts to friends and relatives.
At the airport

Soy Sauce Factory (Marue Shoyu)

Atomic Bomb Museum
Riding the bus directly into the ferry
Kumamoto Castle
Self-made noodles
Space and Science Centre

Colourful Ice Cream

Chinoike Jigoku Hot Spring

Organised by NTU CN Yang Scholars Programme office
Total about 40+ year 1 to year 4 CN Yang Scholars
Each student pays S$976 (NTU subsidizes about S$1500 per person)
15 - 21 June
Day 1: Soy Sauce Factory, Asahi Beer Factory, Newpie Mayonnaise Factory
Day 2: Kyushu University, Vinegar Factory, Atomic Bomb Museum and Peace Park
Day 3: Kumamoto Castle, Mount Aso Ropeway, Soba Making, Chinoike Jigoku Hot Spring
Day 4: Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Space and Science Museum, Genkai Energy Park
Day 5: Eco Town, Tea Cultural Ceremony at Kokura Castle, Nissan Car Factory, Canal City

mardi 10 juin 2014

CWMI 2014 Singapore Team

Congratulations to the following students who will be representing Singapore at the China Western Mathematical Invitational (CWMI) 2014:

Bryan Wang, Year 3, HCI
Clarence Chew, Year 3, NUS High
Matthew Fan, Year 3, NUS High
Joel Tan, Year 1, NUS High
Isaac Lee, Year 2, RI
Ma Zhaoyu, Year 3, RI
Glen Lim, Year 4, RI
Eugene Lee, Year 5, RI

dimanche 8 juin 2014

CGMO 2014 Singapore Team


The following girls have been selected to represent Singapore for the 13th China Girls Mathematical Olympiad (CGMO), which will be held from 10 - 14 August 2014, at Zhongshan, Guangdong, China:

Surya Mathialagan, Year 5, NUS High
Lim Li, Year 3, NUS High
Li Anqi, Year 2, Raffles Girls' Sch (Sec)
Cindy Wang Beini, Year 3, Raffles Girls' Sch (Sec)

Congrats :)

vendredi 6 juin 2014

IPhO 2014 Singapore Team and IBO 2014 Singapore Team

The 45th IPhO (International Physics Olympiad) will be held in Astana, Kazakhstan, from 13 - 21 July 2014. Our Singapore Team comprises the following Year 6 (JC2) students:

Francis Wang Fan, NUS High
Gideon Lee, NUS High
Lim Yong Hui, RI
Chan Jau Tung, RI
Jee Kai Yen, RI 

The 25th IBO (International Biology Olympiad) will be held in Bali, Indonesia, from 5 - 13 July 2014. The following Year 6 (JC2) students are in the Singapore Team:

Qu Xinyi, NUS High
Cleon Kho Yu Xuan, HCI
Raphael Soh, RI
Timothy Sim Soon Song, ACSI

All the best to the above students! Hope you can garner 9 Gold medals for Singapore!

Playing Little Fighter 2.5

An Yu (from SMU ISM Y1 going Y2) and Wei Xiong (from NUS Math&Computing Y4 going Y5). Both are interns at Defense Science Organisation. Lim Min is currently an intern at DSO too.
Lim Jeck, Lim Min, Wei Xiong and An Yu playing Little Fighter 2.5.

mardi 3 juin 2014

SMO 2014 (Open Section) Answers

SMO 2014 Open Questions

SMO 2014 (Open Section) Answers

1. 49840
2. 120
3. 0
4. 4480
5. 3
6. 6
7. 31
8. 31340
9. 61
10. 1
11. 4
12. 220
13. 3239
14. 51
15. 4356
16. 3
17. 126
18. 3021
19. 2013
20. 270
21. 5005
22. 9
23. 16
24. 64
25. 2744

Answers are provided by Clarence Chew.

SMO (Open) Previous Years' Cut-off Points (Inclusive of Round 2 scores)
2013 Gold (26), Silver (13), Bronze (10), HM (9), Round 2 (14), Top 30 (28)
2012 Gold (21), Silver (8), Bronze (6), HM (5), Round 2 (8)
2011 Gold (18), Silver (9), Bronze (6), HM (5), Round 2 (9)
2010 Gold (38), Silver (9), Bronze (6), HM (5)
2009 Gold (27-29), Silver (9), Bronze (6), HM (5)
2008 Gold (27), Silver (11), Bronze (10), HM (6)
2007 Gold (19-20), Silver (9), Bronze (6), HM (5)

lundi 2 juin 2014

SMO 2014 (Junior Section) Answers

SMO 2014 Junior Round 1 Questions
SMO 2014 Junior Round 2 Questions

SMO 2014 (Junior Section) Answers

1. C
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. D
6. E
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. E
11. 28
12. 21
13. 60
14. 935
15. 16
16. 2017
17. 8
18. 491
19. 52
20. 4008
21. 10
22. 24
23. 2
24. 25
25. 22
26. 0 (question is wrong as x is not real!)
27. 2
28. 2500
29. 2809
30. 203
31. 5956
32. 1
33. 44
34. 144
35. 4

Initial answers are provided by a Year 1 NUS High student who does not wish to be named.

SMO (Junior) Previous Years' Cut-off Points (Inclusive of Round 2 scores)
2013 Gold (27), Silver (11), Bronze (8), HM (7), Round 2 (13), Top 30 (~50)
2012 Gold (17), Silver (8), Bronze (6), HM (5), Round 2 (8)
2011 Gold (12), Silver (9), Bronze (7), HM (6), Round 2 (11), Top 30 (~34)
2010 Gold (24), Silver (9), Bronze (8), HM (5)
2009 Gold (11), Silver (7), Bronze (6), HM (5)
2008 Gold (23), Silver (14), Bronze (11), HM (10)
2007 Gold (20), Silver (14), Bronze (11), HM (10)

SMO 2014 (Senior Section) Answers

SMO 2014 Senior Round 1 Questions
SMO 2014 Senior Round 2 Questions

SMO 2014 (Senior Section) Answers

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. 27
12. 25
13. 225
14. 90
15. 2
16. 95
17. 21
18. 8
19. 270
20. 7
21. 66
22. 3
23. 5
24. 4
25. 16
26. 1
27. 2046
28. 42
29. 1
30. 74
31. 60480
32. 9
33. 2
34. 2034
35. 10

Credits to Clarence Chew for providing the initial answers.

SMO (Senior) Previous Years' Cut-off Points (Inclusive of Round 2 scores)
2013 Gold (13), Silver (8), Bronze (6), HM (5), Round 2 (~8), Top 30 (~26)
2012 Gold (24), Silver (11), Bronze (8), HM (7), Round 2 (11)
2011 Gold (21), Silver (15), Bronze (10), HM (9), Round 2 (~15), Top 30 (27)
2010 Gold (26), Silver (10), Bronze (7), HM (6)
2009 Gold (19-23), Silver (10), Bronze (7), HM (6)
2008 Gold (27-28), Silver (15), Bronze (10), HM (9)
2007 Gold (29-30), Silver (16), Bronze (12), HM (10)