mardi 11 mars 2014

1-Dish Meals

As I am a lazy cook, I simply love to prepare 1-dish meals. Below are my favourite 1-dish meals which I cook for my family.
Bak Kut Teh with chicken drumsticks, mushrooms, spinach, peanuts and dumplings
Fried Tung Hoon with pork, long beans, spinach and eggs
Glutinous rice with pork, mushrooms, peanuts and fried small onions
macaroni soup with cai sim, long thin mushrooms, carrots and beef
porridge with minced pork/chicken, spinach, sweet potatoes and peanuts
spaghetti with carbona mushroom sauce, minced pork, spinach and tomatoes
spaghetti with tomato sauce, minced chicken, spinach and tomatoes
steam boat style
western style - chicken platters with bread and fried eggs

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