jeudi 25 février 2016

NTU Euler Math Competition 2016

Euler Math Competition 2016, organized by NTU

Time: 12 March (Sat) 9 am to 1 pm
Venue: SPMS-LT2
Sponsor: Jane Street
Closing ceremony with prizes  and pizza: 15 Apr (Fri), which is Euler's birthday, at 6 pm.

Register here

For more information on NTU Euler Math competition and past year competition papers, check here.

mardi 9 février 2016

Happy Lunar New Year 2016

Lim Li, Hieu, Jingwen, Yee Teng, Yunyi
Zuriel, Clarise, Lim Li, Lim Jeck, Candice
steamboat @ London

lundi 1 février 2016

Coaching Jobs

Lim Jeck is not taking anymore new Math and Physics Olympiad coaching jobs as he has got a full plate now.

Current commitments and number of training sessions per week:

SIMO National Team, 1
MTC, 2
RI, 1-2
RGS, 1
ACSI, 1-2
NJC, 0-1
Individuals, 3